djsime1's avatar djsime1 shared 1 year, 4 months ago

Fascinating both for what it says about dev & what it says about statistics:

A gamedev realized Linux users were just 5.8% of their sales, but represented 38% of bug reports.

Then they looked at those numbers closer, and realized. Linux users were not experiencing more bugs. Almost none of the Linux-user bugs were Linux-related. Linux users were simply *more likely to file bugs*.

Their conclusion: A linux port pays for itself bc it nerdsnipes ppl into giving u free QA

djsime1's avatar djsime1 shared 1 year, 4 months ago

it's endlessly funny to me that humanity FIRST figured out how to show pictures on a screen by using carefully calibrated and timed electromagnets to sweep an electron beam of varying intensity across a glass panel coated in phosphor thousands of times a second, and SECOND put a bunch of lights in a rectangle

djsime1's avatar djsime1 shared 1 year, 4 months ago


I have installed an unlicensed copy of Oracle Database somewhere on your network. Give me five Bitcoins by the end of the week or I will inform Oracle's legal department.

djsime1's avatar djsime1 shared 1 year, 4 months ago

I'm thinking of blocking access to content on my site to anyone not running an ad blocker.


djsime1's avatar djsime1 shared 1 year, 4 months ago

Ah yes, time for the quarterly opening of WinDirStat and frantically bargaining with Windows for any gig of free space I can claw back.

It is not negotiating in good faith.

Jon Bois would be proud.

17776 is the Cowboy Bebop of hypertext fiction.

ssh roulette: a linux box with every port open and every port spoofing an ssh connection. all but one port are fakes and are watched by fail2ban. the true port allows root login.

dumb idea for a rainy day (or more likely, week/month): I wonder if Cloudflare Workers, Workers K/V, and R2 could be used to build a container registry. The (Docker) V2 Container Registry API is surprisingly simple, and shouldn't be too difficult to implement within the constraints of CF Workers.

About time I dusted this microblog...

Over this summer, I've been casually reading Red Team Blues by the marvelous Cory Doctorow, and I'm nearly at the end. When I heard Doctorow was crowdfunding a new book after I finished reading Walkaway last summer, I immediately made a Kickstarter account and pledged for a signed hardcover, and I can't wait to do that again for The Bezzle.

In the same manor as Walkaway, Red Team Blues is unlike any other 'sci-fi tech' novel I've ever read. Not only does this title hit close to home as a student pursuing cybersecurity & cryptography, but Trustlesscoin feels like it could become a real thing any day now (not that I'd back it, especially after reading this book).

If a "high-tech heist" book sounds like something you would enjoy, even if you're anti-cryptocurrency, you need to give Red Team Blues a read (or a listen, Wil Wheaton nails Marty's voice)!

cant believe we live in a world where i can share my contact details by handing you my used toothbrush head and instructing to tap it to your phone

I can't believe Cloudflare is putting loading screen tips in their bot-screening pages

I plan on publishing two articles before the end of the year, one on the services running on my VPS, and the other about the services running on my homelab.

Every masterpiece has its cheap copy.

Hmmmm... what if I made a Home Assistant integration for the Flipper Zero?

Can everyone collectively agree to kill LDAP? It's a giant outdated pain in the ass!

I should make a fake Discord activity that says I'm playing 7 Days to Die. After a while, I'll change it to 6 Days to Die, 5 Days, etc. I'm curious how many of my friends would pay attention...