Contact info

Okay, so you want to get in touch with me? Take your pick.


For inquiries, business or prospect related, please address to:

If you're feeling creative, I encourage you to send your mail to anything (It all goes to the same inbox)

Social platforms

Fediverse/Federated Cloud

This microblog acts as an activitypub-compliant endpoint. You can interact with posts in your fediverse client of choice. My fediverse handle is

If you have an Owncloud/Nextcloud instance, you can send files to my federated cloud ID:


For whatever reason, you can communicate with me securely by encrypting your messages/files to my personal PGP key.

Key ID
19C8 2BB4 CE3B 6785
DB63 DF1E 806E CB73 933E 4EB5 19C8 2BB4 CE3B 6785
dj1 (Do NOT message me here!)
Public key
Download here. Expiration date is updated every other year.